Heartfelt Help

A little help can make all the difference!

My name is Nikki and I offer a unique combination of services that reflect my skills, experience and life journey so far. The services I provide bring me enjoyment and satisfaction, flexibility in my work and continued personal growth, whilst making a positive difference to other peoples’ lives.

The world we live in is changing and challenging and we can all benefit from a little support from time to time, whether at a practical level around the home, to improve our health or simply to have someone to chat to and share our concerns with.

I started my working life in finance and worked in a number of businesses. I later trained in nutritional therapy, improved my own health enormously and helped others to do the same. I have also studied a number of techniques to help release physical and emotional energy blocks, bioenergetics, Reiki, yoga, balancing energy in the body through dance, mindfulness and meditation, and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with those who choose to connect with me. For the last few years I have been housekeeping at a healing farm retreat in the Cotswolds and supporting vulnerable people in my local community.

The Heartfelt services I offer are explained in detail on the individual pages of this website:

  • Housekeeping/Personal Assistant - a comprehensive, bespoke housekeeping service

  • Nutrition - nutritional therapy and nutrition/lifestyle advice, education and support

  • Wisdom - intuitive guidance and support in navigating life's challenges.

We can benefit greatly by connecting with likeminded people and to this end I also host a number of regular gatherings where the focus is on sharing our experiences and listening from the heart, without judgement and without trying to fix others:

  • Nutrition - discussion group to share our nutritional experiences and knowledge

  • Wisdom - discussion group to share our current life experiences and how we can use them for personal growth

If you feel you may benefit from any of the services I offer or would like to have a chat about them please do get in contact, it would be lovely to hear from you.

Nikki xx

Contact Nikki on 07972 257004 or by email to nikki@heartfelt.co.uk

Contact Details

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For more information or to book please call or email Nikki:

T: 07972 257004 

E: nikki@heartfelthelp.co.uk

W: heartfelthelp.co.uk

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