Heartfelt Wisdom

Intuitive Guidance

Nikki Brown

My Inner Journey

From where I am today I can see how my entire life has been one big healing journey, a series of experiences that continue to lead me to self-discovery and growth. This healing journey has been challenging at times but joyful too and very rewarding. I now understand myself much better and see life in a much broader context. As I continue to learn and grow from what life presents to me I feel guided to support others on their journey.

Some years ago, various health issues led me to explore and then use, study and practice nutritional therapy. This introduced me to the life force, or vital force, and an appreciation of the underlying energy of all of life, including the interconnectedness of our physical body, thoughts, emotions and soul. Nutrition and lifestyle measures only helped me so far and so I turned to homeopathy and more recently bioenergetics. I have also practiced meditation and studied various ways to release physical and emotional energy blocks in the body, and these tools have given me and others I have worked with some great insights and benefit. But I still felt that I was on an endless search for something more, something that was missing, for deeper meaning and connection in life.

In 2012 I felt drawn to visit a healing retreat in the Cotswolds where I quickly started the process of putting this life into perspective. It took me on an amazing inward journey of self-discovery and healing at the deepest level. I felt driven to keep going, to identify and release all the pain stored deep within me, much of which I had not been conscious of because it lay in previous lives. There is a moment where our individual life began and when we heal from that moment we can heal ourselves completely.

I started to notice changes in my life, in my interactions with people, in the situations I attracted, in my feelings and reactions to outside circumstances and in my health. I noticed more and more synchronicities and started to trust my developing intuition and inner wisdom. As I continue this journey I accept with gratitude what life brings to me and feel love and peace growing within.

Since 2017 I have spent time helping at the healing retreat, chatting with guests, helping them to better understand their situations and journey, and helping them to identify and let go of blocked emotional energy. I also run a monthly gathering in Milton Keynes for people to share their experiences with other likeminded people. This has shown that by sharing our experiences and listening to others from the heart, we can help each other, especially when we let go of judgement and just say it as it is!

I now share my experience, intuitive insights and guidance more widely to those who feel drawn to connect with me. Facing our inner fears and blocks takes courage and I feel blessed to help and support those who wish to do so.

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